Strand Memorial Herbarium

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Family: Poaceae   Grass Family
Plant group comprising one of the largest families of flowering plants. Formerly referred to as Graminae.

Genus: Brachiaria   Signalgrass
This genus includes about 100 species, which occur in the tropical and subtropical regions of both eastern and western hemispheres, but mostly in Africa. It is closely related to the genus Urochloa. Tribe Paniceae

Scientific Name: Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb.
Common Name(s): Signalgrass
Growth Type:
Species Description:

Click on the thumbnails to view large image.

Caption: Illustration detailing signalgrass' open panicle inflorescence.

ID: Hrb-BRASS-001
Source: 35mm slide (illustration)
Keyword(s): inflorescense, mature