Strand Memorial Herbarium

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Family Euphorbiaceae
   Acalypha ostryifolia Riddell
       Hophornbean Copperleaf
       Pineland Threeseed Mercury
   Acalypha virginica L.
       Mercury weed
       Virginia copper-leaf
       Virginia three-seeded-mercury
   Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small
       Large Spurge
       Spotted Sandmat
       Spotted Spurge
   Chamaesyce prostrata (Ait.) Small
       Prostrate Sandmat
       Prostrate Spurge
   Croton capitatus Michx.
       Woolly Croton
   Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis Muell.-Arg.
       Tooth-Leaved Croton
       Tropic Croton
       Vente Conmigo
   Euphorbia corollata L.
       Flowering Spurge
       Wild Spurge
   Euphorbia cyparissias L.
       Cypress Spurge
       Graveyard Spurge
   Euphorbia esula L.
       Hungarian Spurge
       Leafy Spurge
       Wolf's Milk
   Euphorbia heterophylla L.
       Mexican Fireplant
       Milk Weed
       Painted Euphorbia
       Painted Spurge
       Wild Poinsettia
   Euphorbia L..
   Euphorbia marginata Pursh
       Snow On The Mountain
       Whitemargined Spurge
   Euphorbia milii Des Moulins
       Crown-of-thorns Euphorbia
   Ricinus communis L.
       Castor Bean
       Castor Oil Plant
       Coffee Tree
       Palma Christi
       Wonder Tree