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Family Rosaceae Amelanchier Medik. Juneberry Serviceberry Servicetree Shadbush Snowy Mespilus Crataegus L. Hawthorn Red Haw Thorn Apple Cydonia P. Mill. Cydonia Quince Fragaria L. Strawberry Geum triflorum Pursh Old-man's Whiskers Praire Smoke Avens Prairie Smoke Threeflowered Avens Malus P. Mill. Flowering Crabapple Ornamental Apple Ornamental Crabapple Malus pumila P. Mill. Apple Cultivated Apple Paradise Apple Potentilla norvegica L. Norwegian Cinquefoil Rough Cinquefoil Strawberry-Weed Potentilla recta L. Erect Cinquefoil Rough Fruited Cinquefoil Sulphur Cinquefoil Sulphur Five-Fingers Prunus americana Marsh. American Plum American Wild Plum Tree Wild Plum Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. Cherry Plum Cherryplum Tree Myrobalan Plum Prunus glandulosa Thunb. Flowering Almond Flowering Almond Tree Prunus serotina Ehrh. Black Cherry Black Cherry Tree Black Chokecherry Rum Cherry Wild Black Cherry Wild Cherry Prunus virginiana L. Chokecherry Common Chokecherry Virginia Chokecherry Rosa arkansana Porter Arkansas Rose Dwarf Praire Rose Low Praire Rose Praire Rose Prairie Wild Rose Sunshine Rose Rosa carolina L. Carolina Rose Pasture Rose Rosa L. Rose Rubus idaeus L. American Red Raspberry Red Raspberry Western Red Raspberry Wild Red Raspberry Rubus L. Blackberry Bramble Raspberry Rubus parviflorus Nutt. Japanese Raspberry Thimbleberry Western Thimbleberry